Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jan 2005: In Iraq with Presi.., I mean Senator, Kerry. From the left, Lt Col (Dr.) J. J. DeGoes, Flight Surgeon; SSgt. Dave Beyer, Loadmaster; SrA Jim Yancy, Loadmaster; 1Lt Brian Donnellon, Copilot; Maj. Gary Smith, Navigator; Senator John Kerry; MSgt Scott Dickinson, Flight Engineer; and that's me on the right.
Posted by Hello

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hello, Wyrld!

Hello, Wyrld! is one man's first foray into the blogosphere. No neophyte to the Internet, I've been "doing" Internet stuff since the beginning of the commercial 'net. (And yes, Al Gore DID invent the Internet as a commercial entity. Just consult the congressional record.) I remember those hearings in the early '90's. My friend Lorn Olsen and I started a local ISP - mich.com - "way back" in 1994 to compete with the likes of AOL. We learned a lot, made a little money, but I got bored and moved on. I never started a blog until now, probably because it seemed:

a) Too self-indulgent. I don't like to appear self-centered or vain (even though in fact I am as vain as the next guy. I guess not wanting to appear vain is a vanity in itself.)

b) A big black-hole of time wasting and procrastination. Which it probably is. But I've noticed that lately I've been in e-contact with a lot of friends and family who want to know "what's new?" So I've been spending a lot of time typing the same things over and over in various emails to everyone. So now, I figure, I can put most of it in a blog and save myself a lot of retyping.

So what will be in this blog? Whatever I want! (Hey, it's my blog.) But mostly, if someone stimulates my muse, or my ire, instead of replying directly (which can get really "in your face" sometimes), I can just let my blog have it. So expect a variety of things. Personal stuff (but not too personal); "philosophical" thoughts; opinions on politics and current events; descriptions of my travels. I'll try to keep most of it fresh, and original, but if I find something worth passing on, I will. So stay tuned....